ViviChen Illustration
ViviChen Illustration是一個插畫品牌,由韋帆 (Vivien Chen) 繪製。偏愛手繪筆觸的樸質與壓克力顏料的飽和色彩,作品藏著細膩的心靈反思及文學性。於2012開始以筆名「蛋妹」的身份發表個人創作並從事插畫接案的生活,在插畫生涯第十年,重拾自己的本名,以「韋帆」延續創作之路。商業合作多見於書籍、雜誌,報紙副刊...等,近期合作公視單元劇《你的婚姻不是你的婚姻-梅莉》劇中的繪本插畫,跨足不同領域的合作。
🔗 www.eggsister.com
✉️ vivichenart@gmail.com
ViviChen Illustration is an illustration brand which created by Vivien Chen.She is a freelance illustrator based-in Taipei, Taiwan. She majors in fine arts in college and has worked as an illustrator for over 10 years after graduation. Her experience has covered newspapers, novels and commercial advertisements. Her works often portray with details and turn daily objects into content with metaphors. She likes to focus on abstract feeling and atmosphere.