
OUNCE studio 玩食插畫工作室

OUNCE studio 是由插畫藝術家 Leslie Wang 王意馨所創立的設計工作室,相信食品文化應該被重視,將味覺體驗延伸到視覺感官,記憶生活中食物帶來的感動。

OUNCE studio founded by Illustration artist Leslie Wang, providing illustration art and design services. We believe the culture of food should be celebrated, the sense of taste could be visualized, and extended to other sensory experiences.


OUNCE studio 是由插畫藝術家 Leslie Wang 王意馨所創立的插畫設計工作室,作品以飲食文化為主軸,將味覺體驗延伸到視覺感官,記憶生活中食物帶來的感動。

OUNCE studio founded by Illustration artist Leslie Wang, providing illustration art and design services. We believe the culture of food should be celebrated, the sense of taste could be visualized, and extended to other sensory experiences.